quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2009

How will the measurements be made?

Newton’s Third Law:

This law states that if there are two bodies (body A and body B), and body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts an equal and opposite force on body A. This can also be called the law of reciprocal action. So, if you pull the spring, the force you pull with will be equal to the force of the spring pulling you.

Hooke’s Law:

Hooke's law is the basic theory used in our project. It is an approximation that states that the extension of a spring is in direct proportion to the load added to it as long as this load does not exceed the elastic limit. The elastic limit is the maximum amount of force you can exert on the object before it is permanently physically deformed.

The formula for Hooke’s law is F=kx, where F is the restoring force exerted by the material, x is the displacement of the end of the spring from its equilibrium (starting) position and k is the spring constant.

Both these laws apply to our project. Hookes law helps explain that depending on how hard/how much force you use to pull the spring, will influence the extension of the spring. In simpler terms, the harder you pull on the spring, the more the spring will extend. Newtons third law applies, because the amount of force you apply on the spring, will then be pulled on you by the spring itself.

Two springs will be used in the experiment. The first graph accounts for the thinner spring and the second accounts for the thicker one. From these graphs, we will be able to calculate the force exerted by the person by just reading it from the graphs. If a person can easily exert 60N on the thinner spring, they will attempt to extend more on the thicker one.

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